
Please come and share a meal & fun with us

an Empty Bowls Event

Soups and Scoops

Thursday, March 27,

anytime from 5:30 -7:30 PM,

in our Northampton Middle School Cafe.


1617 Laubach Avenue
Northampton, PA 18067

We're raising funds to help feed our local hungry, raising awareness of food insecurity, enjoy community and friendship with activities, baskets, & games.

Enjoy delicious soups and ice creams, donated by local businesses and individuals, served in a handcrafted bowl of your choice, made especially for this event. The bowls are yours to keep as a reminder that there are still people in our own community whose bowls are empty.

Bowl Ticket donation is $20.00 (first ticket which includes handcrafted bowl),

additional Non-Bowl ticket donation is $10.00,

The soup, bread, ice cream, and time to relax with friends and family are complimentary.

Children 3 and under are free.

Click Here to purchase .