The Borough Bunch (PTA) Book Fair is coming during the week of 11/14. Want to help out? Sign up here!/showSignUp/20F0949ABAE29A6FF2-fall
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
bookfair collage
Last call for our Veterans Day Breakfast. Veterans who are related to our Borough Family are invited to join their student(s) for breakfast.
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
Veterans Day breakfast flyer 2022
Thank you to all of our families who came out to watch our Storybook Stroll and Parade! Have more photos? Post them in the comments on our Facebook page!
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
Storybook collage
Congrats to our October Student of the Month Recipients. These students have demonstrated Respect for the entire month of October. More photos on our school's Facebook page.
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
October student of the month
Special shout out to the Northampton Fire Department for fixing our flag pole! Thanks for your help!
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
flag pole with fire truck
Thank you to the Northampton Fire Department for stopping by Franklin to talk about fire safety with our kindergartners!
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
fire safety collage
The Borough Bunch (PTA) invites you to Valley Fruits and Veggies for a night of fall fun. 10/17 from 6-8pm. Tickets still available online.
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
valley fruits and veggies flyer
What an amazing day for our first ever BoroThon. Thank you to everyone who made today such an amazing success for our students! More photos and videos to come!
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
BoroThon Runners
BoroThon Runner
BoroThon Runners
BoroThon Runners
Congrats to our September Student of the Month recipients. These students earned this by displaying friendliness during the month of September. Check out our Facebook page for more photos!
almost 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
student of the month collage
We are so close to Boro-Thon! This Friday, please remember to prepare your students for the day! Water, Sunscreen, athletic clothing. It is going to be a great day. Still want to get involved?
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
borothon flyer with reminders
Interested in Odyssey of the Mind for your student? Contact Mrs. McCann for more info!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
odyssey of the mind flyer.
Boro-Thon is live! A walk/run event to raise money for our school!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
BoroThon flyer 2
BoroThon flyer 1
The Morning Call picked the right place for their back to school photo shoot! Check out our awesome students online!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
What an amazing first day of school! Now, let’s see all of those first day of school photos! Please submit them as comments on our Facebook post!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
first day photos
The youngest members of our Borough Family are ready for the school year! Check out our school’s Facebook page for all of the photos from Kindergarten and First Grade Meet the Teacher!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
k meet the teacher collage
k meet the teacher
Our custom clothing order closes soon! Order online today
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
Count Down
1/4 zip
Take a book, leave a book, love a book, keep a book! Thanks to our Borough Bunch (PTA) both of our buildings now have Free Little Libraries! Be sure to check them out with your kiddos before summer ends. There may even be surprises tucked away in a book!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
Little free libraries
Upcoming back to school dates! As we get closer to the start of the school year please mark these dates on your calendars!
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
If you are still interested in a Pre-K Program for this school year for 3 & 4 year olds, or know of someone in the school district who is interested, there is still room in the Pre-K classroom at Lehigh Elementary, Moore Elementary, and Northampton Borough Elementary Schools.
about 2 years ago, Douglas Sherman
csc flyer