Volunteers are still needed! Our PTA Carnival & Food Truck Festival is this week, and we need your help! Sign up to check wristbands at one of the MANY inflatables. Earn a free wristband for each hour that you volunteer! bit.ly/borohelp23
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
carnival slide
Carnival and Food Truck Festival, this week @ Municipal Park. Open to all!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Carnival and Food truck
Thank you to all of our families who came out for our school picnic. What a great day! Have photos from the day? Please share them in the comments on our Facebook page!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
picnic collage
Congrats to our Girls on the Run team who completed their 5k Friday night!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
girls on the run collage
girls on the run group
One last good deed before their big 5k tomorrow. The Girls on the Run team thanked our local police force for all that they do as part of their community impact project.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
girls on the run police
The Borough Bunch (PTA) Spring Carnival and Food Truck Festival is next week at Municipal Park! More food trucks and more inflatables! 5/25 5-8pm. This event is open to all! Wristbands are only required for access to inflatables and games. Buy online today bit.ly/borocarnival23
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Carnival Flyer
Fifth Grade Field Day Champions! Not only did our fifth graders win the day, they showed BRICK behavior and great sportsmanship all day!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
field day collage
Fun Day in the field for grades 1 and 2 was a success! UPDATE: We look forward to great weather on Wednesday for grades K, and NOW 3, and 4!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
fun day
fun day
fun day
fun day
fun day
fun day
Thank you to all who came out to our Books on the Lawn Event!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Books on the Lawn
Books on the lawn
books on the lawn
books on the lawn
Books on the lawn
books on the lawn
Books on the lawn
Save the Date! Our Family Picnic will take place on 5/19. More information and lunch schedules will come home soon.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
family picnic flyer
Update to our May Borough Bunch Meeting. The meeting will now take place 5/3 at 4:00pm. This is an update from our calendar.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
pta meeting update
Fifth Grade Field Day and Fun Days in the Field for all other grades are next week! Families are invited to watch! New this year, all NASD 5th Graders will compete at Al Erdosy Stadium.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Fun Day Flyer with dates
Yearbooks Sales are now live! Order yours online today. https://yearbooks.danscamera.com/YBStore/YearbookStoreMain.asp?yearbook_id=62353
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Yearbook flyer
Thank you to all of our presenters for making Career Day 2023 an amazing day for our kids! More photos are on our school's Facebook page.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
A great night of Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics fun at our first ever STEAM night!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Steam Night
Steam Night
Steam Night
Steam Night
Steam Night
Steam Night
Steam Night
Last call for Family Skate Night tickets hosted by our Student Council. Pre-orders are due tomorrow, April 12th.
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Family skate night flyer
Spring Photo Orders are due tomorrow. Order online danscamera.com/pictureday
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
spring photo flyer
Join us for a night of S.T.E.A.M. fun for the whole family! A night of hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics activities. Limited free tickets are available bit.ly/borosteam23
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
steam night flyer
Our 4th and 5th graders gave a great effort but ultimately came up short against the staff today!
over 1 year ago, Douglas Sherman
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game
Dodgeball game