Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

Although we would imagine that common sense would help most people understand that Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco should not enter a school building, students are sometimes found with these items. In addition to common sense, state legislation, school district policy, and our student handbook all make it explicitly clear that students found with any of these items will be appropriately disciplined and or referred to local law enforcement.

With the rise in "vapes," THC edibles, and even water bottles, students have found ever-increasingly creative ways to bring these items into school.

Our staff is trained annually in the risks to students regarding these substances and how to identify and refer students who may be using and or abusing any of the above.

In an effort to share with our community the dangers associated with these items to students, as well as what to do when your child or another is suspected of having had an exposure, please view the information and resources found below.