SAP - Student Assistance Program
Welcome to the Northampton Area High School Student Assistance Program (SAP) page. We hope that the information provided below is beneficial to you during your visit to our site.
The goal of the SAP Team is to provide an avenue for students, parents/guardians and teachers to access help for students who are meeting "difficulties" in school. These difficulties could be the result of destructive decisions, emotional and mental breakdowns, or events in their lives. The SAP Team is dedicated to helping students overcome these barriers through help, guidance, and support. The SAP Team has close contact with outside agencies that can be called upon for work with the students to help overcome these barriers.
The SAP Team would like to wish all of the students of Northampton Area High School a safe, healthy and successful school year!
SAP Referral forms are available in the Main Office and the Guidance Office of the High School. We ask that only serious referrals are made to the SAP Team.
SAP referrals can also be made by phone. Please call the TIP line (610-262-3176), the Main Office (Administration) or the Guidance Office and ask for one of the SAP Team members.
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